APG Best of 2020
Before we get too far into 2021, I wanted to share a collection of some of our best work from newsrooms across Adams Publishing Group in 2020. It was a challenging year in so many ways, but we should all be proud of how we served our communities at a time when they needed us most.
Local journalism makes a difference. Whether it was holding local governments to account, explaining difficult issues, or featuring extraordinary citizens, our work had an impact.
Here’s the presentation. Flip through it, download it, and please consider sharing on your social networks.
#AdamsPG, #LocalJournalismMatters, #APG
Mark Adams

Covid-19 Articles
Greeneville, Tennessee: Making Times Tougher on the Farm
Coverage from The Greeneville Sun
Washington State: Nursing Homes Struggle
Coverage from goskagit.com
Idaho Falls: Portraits from the Pandemic
Coverage from the Post Register
Logan, Utah: The Under-Served
Coverage from The Herald Journal

Data, Investigations and Accountability Articles
Janesville, Wisconsin: Data Reveals Racially Disproportionate Enforcement in Janesville Schools
Coverage from the Gazette | Jonah Beleckis, Benjamin Pierce and Frank Schultz
Maryville, Tennessee: Massive Alcoa Warehouse Proposed is for Amazon
Coverage from The Daily Times | Andrew Jones
Anacortes, Washington: While Costs for a City Project Escalated, Public Was in the Dark
Coverage from the Anacortes American | Richard Walker

Local News
Bozeman, Montana: Bridger Foothills Fire
Coverage from The Daily Chronicle | Rachel Leathe and Helena Dore
Boise, Idaho: Police Force Practices
Coverage from the Idaho Press | Olivia Heersink and Tommy Simmons
Eau Claire, Wisconsin: City Says it Will Shut Down Notorious Hotel
Coverage from the Leader-Telegram | Andrew Dowd
Athens, Ohio: Scoring a Key Interview in State Scandal Case
Coverage from The Athens NEWS and The Athens Messenger
Rexburg, Idaho: A Call for a Diversity Department at BYU-Idaho
Coverage from the Standard Journal | Victoria Varnedoe
Gladwin County, Michigan: Gladwin Floods
Coverage from the Record & Clarion
Lake Mills, Wisconsin: A Protest, Social Media Frenzy, and a Car Accident
Coverage from the Lake Mills Leader | Sarah Welhert
Virginia, Minnesota: GOP-Endorsed Candidate’s Controversial Facebook Post
Coverage from the Mesabi Tribune | Jerry Burnes

Issue Enterprise
Easton, Maryland: New Generation of Oystermen Struggles Not to be the Last
Coverage from the Star Democrat | Bred Dress
Beloit, Wisconsin: A Local Task Force’s Approach to Finding and Fighting Human Trafficking Networks
Coverage from the Beloit Daily News | Austin Montgomery
Klamath, Oregon: ‘Deep Dive’ Explores Klamath Basin and Surrounding Water Issues
Coverage from the Herald and News | Alex Schwartz
Cheyenne, Wyoming: A Fundamental Change in a School District’s Governance
Coverage from Wyoming News | Kathryn Palmer

Pocatello, Idaho: “Sentiment Echoed”
Coverage from the Idaho State Journal | Jordan Kaye
Eau Claire, Wisconsin: ‘Scary as Hell’
Coverage from the Leader-Telegram | Eric Lindquist
Southwest Florida: There Will be Hugs in Florida
Coverage from the Gondolier | Scott Lawson
Southwest Wyoming: Healing and Foregiveness
Coverage from Rocket Miner | Lisa Romero

Special Reports
Greenville, North Carolina’s 5-Part Hemp Series: Untapped Harvest
Coverage from the Reflector
Idaho Falls’ Ongoing Murder Story: A High Utility Timeline
Coverage from The Post Register | Sally Krutzig
Marinette, Wisconsin’s Combat Ship: USS Marinette Launch
Coverage from The Eagle Herald
Minnesota’s Focus on Local Women: Women’s History Month
Coverage from ABC Newspapers (Anoka County Union Herald and the Blaine-Spring Lake Park-Fridley-Columbia Heights Life)
More Noteworthy Stories of 2020
Idaho Newspaper Coalition: A day in the life of Idaho during the pandemic
Defiance, Ohio, Crescent-News, Tim McDonough: Fairview handling remote learners in a different way
Stanwood Camano News, Evan Caldwell: Large COVID-19 outbreak strikes Josephine Caring Center
Waunakee Tribune, Roberta Baumann: Pfizer’s COVID vaccine proves effective, but how to distribute it?
Klamath Herald and News, Becca Robbins: Jail reductions hold off COVID, but what about crime?
Tremonton, The Leader, Jeff DeMoss: Local nurse recounts assignment at New York hospital
Local Enterprise
Star Democrat, Brad Dress: Environmentalists, neighbors fighting big new development in Trappe
Your Sun, Florida, Elaine Allen-Emrich: Homeowners: Know What’s In Your Contract
Watauga Democrat, staff report: Task force recommends state look to legalizing marijuana
Fairbault Daily News, Andrew Deziel: Does pot have a shot?
Lake Mills Leader, Sarah Weihert: Addiction leaves lasting impact
Local News
Athens News, Ben Peters: Athens TikTok star loses job at Sherwin-Williams after paint-mixing videos go viral
Athens Messenger, Heather Willard: Election tampering allegations surface in 94th District Race
NewsWatchman, Ethan Leist: The anthem that went national
Ashe Post and Times, Ian Taylor: Commissioner charged with crimes against children
Teton Valley News, Jeannette Boner and Julie Tellman: Evicted in 90 days, Victor residents are at a loss for what’s next
Lake County Examiner, Danielle Jester: McDonald Park sign gets an update
Avery Journal, Jamie Shell: Wrestling wins five individual titles, team championship at states
Idaho State Journal, Shelbie Harris: Pocatello police release dash and body camera footage of fatal officer-involved shooting
Idaho Press, Rachel Spacek: Idaho farmworkers battle unknown consequences of pesticide exposure.
Northfield News, Sam Wilmes: City collaborates with artist on Domino’s mural
Mesabi Tribune, Leah Ryan: Aboard Bus No. 2: Delivering meals to students’ homes
Sun Sailor Newspaper, Kristen Miller: Plymouth couple shows what it truly means to love thy neighbor
Owatonna People’s Press, Annie Granlund: Native American Heritage Day a chance to dig into Minnesota history
Southernminn.com, Jon Weisbrod: A story of courage, pain, redemption and a special bond between Owatonna siblings
Antigo Daily Journal, Kevin Passon: Peters served in South Pacific
Challis Messenger, Hunter Diehl: Challis author finds adventure in rafting family’s history
Milton Courier, Kim McDarison: Equestrians and an owl visit Milton Senior Living
Milton Courier, Rebecca Kanable: Carolers on horseback
Rocket Miner, Wyoming, Wesley: Magagna: Jaciel’s comeback trumps his setback
Mountain Times, Andrew Cole: 21 guns and 13 folds. American Legion Honor Guard honors High Country veterans
Blowing Rocket, David Rogers: ‘Christmas Spirit’ found in Blowing Rock
Jefferson Star, Samantha Vanderwalker: How Sara Bohon ended up at a table with the president
Rocky Mount Telegram, Patrick Mason: Nash Central’s Norris hasn’t stopped swimming
Wyoming Tribune Eagle: South triad deserves a voice on local school board
Sun Port Charlotte: George Floyd, Matthew Walker: Same fate, different outcome
Eau Claire, Leader-Telegram: Transparency demands release of candidates’ names
Elizabeth City, The Daily Advance: Outrageous raises must spur changes
Boise/Nampa Idaho Press: McGeachin’s undermining is harmful to Idahoans
Digital Initiatives
Rock Springs: YouTube channel
Pocatello: Covering protest live on Facebook