Bill Albrecht
Regional President
Bill Albrecht, Regional President of Wyoming, is based out of Cheyenne and oversees Laramie, Rawlins, and Rock Springs, Wyo.
Before joining APG, Albrecht was in Northeast Ohio, first as a Regional Publisher engaging with nine adjacent markets, including Akron and Canton, Ohio. He then moved into the Vice President of Sales role, actively managing a sales staff and working directly with advertisers. Albrecht also held publisher positions in Sioux Falls, S.D., the Media Network of Central Ohio, and St Cloud, Minn. He was with Gannett for 18 years and also worked at both the Knight Ridder and Lee Enterprise operations. He has also held positions with privately-owned companies in Dubuque, Cedar Rapids, and Harlan, Iowa.
Albrecht has been an active member and ascended through the chairs of the Minnesota Newspaper Association and has been a board member of the Ohio Newspaper Association. Always involved in the communities in which he lives, he has been a board member for Shelby County Pheasants Forever, Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, Akron Chamber of Commerce, Stark County Better Business Bureau, United Way in St Cloud, Minn., and Newark, Ohio.
Born in Dubuque, Iowa, Albrecht is married to Lisa, who was born in Nebraska. Both are graduates of the University of South Dakota and have two grown sons, Nate and Maxwell. He received a BS in Mass Communications with an emphasis on Advertising and Public Relations.